Peters, VanessaPakhira, DeblinaWhite, LatiaFennelly-Atkinson, RitaMeans, Barbara2022-10-242022-10-242022-08DOI: of teaching and learning examine the impacts of pedagogical decisions on students’ learning and course success. In this report, we describes findings from case studies of eight innovative postsecondary introductory statistics and general chemistry courses that have evidence of improving student completion rates for minoritized and low-income students. The goal of the case studies was to identify the course design elements and pedagogical practices that were implemented by faculty. To identify courses, Digital Promise sought nominations from experts in statistics and chemistry education and reviewed National Science Foundation project abstracts in the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program. The case studies courses were drawn from 2- and 4-year colleges and were implemented at the level of individual instructors or were part of a department or college-wide intervention. Among the selected courses, both introductory statistics (n = 5) and general chemistry (n = 3) involved changes to the curriculum and pedagogy. Curricular changes involved a shift away from teaching formal mathematical and chemical equations towards teaching that emphasizes conceptual understanding and critical thinking. Pedagogical changes included the implementation of peer-based active learning, formative practice, and supports for students’ metacognitive and self-regulation practices.en-USpedagogypostsecondarystatistics educationchemistryeducationcourse designDesigning Gateway Statistics and Chemistry Courses for Today’s Students: Case Studies of Postsecondary Course InnovationsTechnical Report