Learning Transition Design Principles for Learning and Employment Records: Co-designing for Equity
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Emerging technologies such as learning, and employment records (LER) have been identified as a promising solution for historically and systematically excluded (HSE) learners and workers to share and access their learning- and skills-data from their individual learning journeys and transitions. However, learning journeys are rarely linear; the way in which learners and workers may demonstrate and get recognized for their skills and competencies may evolve over time. Further, systemic barriers and inequities embedded in the learning journeys of HSE communities, disproportionately impact their ability to enter and persist in the education and workforce ecosystem. It is critical for LERs to be designed as accessible and equitably for HSE communities to mitigate systemic and structural inequities in the education and workforce ecosystem. With the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Digital Promise collaborated with HSE adult learners and workers, to establish a set of design principles to inform the development of LER technologies for use over an individual’s learning and career journeys, including their learning transitions. Through one-on-one interviews and group workshops with HSE adult learners and workers, fundamental design principles have been identified to influence LER data infrastructure from education to the workforce.